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Optimal Reaction through CHEMistry

The online complaint page is a space available to ORCHEM employees, customers, shareholders, and suppliers.
It is a communication channel designed to improve ORCHEM's ethical management and business.


Report Subjects

  • Violations of ethical management by the company and its employees (bribery, hospitality, provision of entertainment, etc.)
  • Unfair and wrongful conduct by the company and its employees
  • Loans, guarantees, etc. between employees
  • Disrespectful behavior and sexual harassment
  • Other suggestions for management improvement, etc


Reporting Tips and Process

ORCHEM strictly guarantees the protection of identity for the person who makes a report to the online complaint page, so please make a report using your real name if you can. It is impossible to inform you of the result if you are anonymous and do not leave a contact number. Reports made to the online complaint website will be reviewed by the Audit Office and the whistleblower will be notified of the result.

* Whistleblower protection principle: We will not disclose any information that reveals or suggests the identity of a whistleblower without their consent.
* Reports that are merely complaints or that slander or defame others without evidence may not be processed.


How to Make a Report

You can make a report on our website through the Report section.

Submit a report > Fill out the report > Click the confirmation button > Report completed