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Human Resources

Optimal Reaction through CHEMistry

  • HR Development System

  • Hierarchy

ORCHEM's development system fosters both professional and
personal growth for each of our members.

HR Development

1. Leader Training for Enhanced Capabilities

The size of the leader determines the size of the organization. "A leader" is not just one person, but rather, it includes a group of followers as well. ORCHEM provides a variety of leadership training programs to strengthen the capabilities of leaders, including special lectures for leaders and leadership strategy workshops.

2. Step-by-Step Capability Growth and Enhancement Training Programs

We support our employees to grow professionally and set goals their lives in each step of their progress. We make sure that our employees can share the vision of ORCHEM as we aspire to help them live a life of growth in the present while planning for the future.

ORCHEM's hierarchy is built on trust and passion.
  • 2 years


  • 5 years


  • 6 years


  • Chief

ORCHEM strives to create greater growth opportunities based on
the trust and passion of each member.


Members who have completed the years of service at ORCHEM at each level are promoted to a higher level based on performance and competency reviews. Through this we provide our employees with responsibility, passion, and opportunities for growth.


We recognize high performers and provide them with greater opportunities through special promotions.